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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Punch in the Neck-an etymology

When people call you a son of a bitch, they aren't saying that your mother is a dog, or that even your mother is a bitch, but that you are kind of an asshole. Which when people are calling you an asshole, they are not saying that you are a sphincter that emits fecal matter but that you are a jerk. Now when people call you a jerk they are not saying that you are an involuntary spasm, but that you are being a pain in the ass. And when people call you a pain in the ass they are not saying that you are a build up of lactic acid in their gluteous maximus or possibly a foreign object that has penetrated the region but that you are a frustrating person who should be punched in the neck. Now when they say you should be punched in the neck they don't actually want to punch you in the neck they just think that you need to be taught a lesson. And really when they say you need to be taught a lesson it means you should knock your shit off. And by knock your shit off they mean they want you to behave like an adult. So by saying you want to punch someone in the neck you are effectively saying that you want people to act like respectful adults instead of acting like impetuous children running around like asshole, jerky, sons of bitches who are a pain in the ass. Really a very effective four word phrase.


  1. Haha. Love it. The pain in the ass bit is my favorite. I've never used the phrase 'punch in the neck' but I will. :)

  2. Thanks Renee, more reasons why I love you.

    The other thing that I thought of after I posted this was, "When people ask you to give them a piece of their mind, it doesn't mean they want you to have a lobotomy and then toss brain matter at you."
