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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lost Weekend

Sometimes you feel like doing absolutely nothing.  So much so that you completely forget what you did the day before.  I know I did not drink or imbibe any form of drug.  So why is it so hard to remember what I did yesterday.  I'm pretty sure I didn't leave the house.  That there was some extra sleepy time, followed by some reading and homework.  Possibly an online test.  Zelda on the wii.  Both Travis and I played.  A movie, The Quick and the Dead, then sleep.  But somehow that doesn't seem possible.  It doesn't seem like a days worth of activities.

Now I'm sitting on the couch at 630pm on Sunday wondering what happened to Saturday, and how did it get to be so late already?  By this time next weekend I will have driven to San Francisco, stayed at my cousin's house.  Gone to a family picnic and started the drive back to Southern California.  It seems surreal to have accomplished nothing in the same span of time as travelling back and forth across the state.

But that's what I've done.  I've been lazy.  I've gotten most of the work I needed to get done this weekend done.  But all the prep for the future stuff has been postponed.  I am too sleepy and silly to attempt to organize the mess.  Or pay bills.  Or try and figure out what is going on with the rest of my life.  With that being said, there is something to being lazy.  It feels amazing.

Every once in awhile you need to have a lost weekend.  Apparently this was one for me.  It's been awhile since I've visited this place, and as long as I don't make a habit of it, a lost weekend in your own home can be a great vacation.

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