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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rob Reiner's an a-hole?

So I made the unfortunate mistake of scanning AM radio to try and find traffic information when 1070 let me down. I stumbled upon AM 640 and oh holy Jesus was it the wrong day to listen to that right wing republican bigotry. Tim Conway Jr.'s intelligence and incite into modern American politics and social policy.

Prop 8 was over turned today. Therefore the American people and their votes have just been attacked proving that the Federal government is trying to control our lives because nothing says that Gay marriage should exist.

His guest from the Alliance Defense Fund Doug something, frankly Tim slurred his name and I wasn't entirely sure what he said, his name may not even be Doug something, anyway the ADF guy decreed that marriage is ordained by god to be between a man and a woman and that studies have proven that what is best for the children is to raise them in a stable home with a mother and father. That to allow gay marriage is tantamount to signing away the rights of the child and setting them up for destruction.

First of all ADF is a Christian conservative right wing organization. The three areas listed on their home page is religious freedom, sanctity of human life and family values.

As far as I am concerned anyone can believe in anything they want, as long as they don't use their faith to persecute others ADF I'm talking to you, a woman has a right to choose, and your family is what you make it.

If the Ozzie and Harriet theory of family was so great then why are their serial killers and homosexuals now? No I am not saying that homosexuals are evil like serial killers, but these people tend to think that the "homosexual lifestyle" and its promotion by "the liberal media" are committing crimes against America, so I am going to take the analogy to the extreme.

Here is something for those right wingers to think about. You know your "ideal" family? It made all of the liberals and the homosexuals you are afraid of now. So suck on that.

This man literally said, "The government is responsible for implementing social policy, and to endorse gay marriage is to support something bad, not the good ideal family."

Tim Conway Jr. agreed with this man, but his first question was not really about Gay marriage but what his opinion of Rob Reiner was.

Rob Reiner said, "Everyone knows or is related to someone gay. That to look that person in the eye and tell them they do not deserve the same rights you would have to be a pretty cold hearted person."

Tim decided that Rob was calling all supporters of traditional marriage cold hearted, and then decreed that even though Rob is a family friend that he is an A-hole. He called him an A-hole about ten times before I stopped listening.

The next commercial break Tim did a promo for a debt consolidation law firm that would keep the "cold hearted" banks from harassing you. In the promo nearly every other sentence has a "cold hearted banks" plug in it.

Apparently Tim can call the banks cold hearted for trying to get back their money, but Rob Reiner is an A-hole for saying people who can look their "loved ones" in the eye and persecute them are cold hearted.

The next commercial break featured an auto painting company, where Tim made fun of his wife's driving saying that she runs into poles all the time so he loves this company because they fixed his car so well. The whole advertisement was riddled with misogynistic jabs at his wife ending with the declaration, "Deadbeats have dents in their car. I know first hand how hard it is to get women with a bad car."

Frankly Tim Conway Jr. is an ASSHOLE.

Huzzah for the internet that I can say ASSHOLE instead of A-hole.

Rob Reiner my heterosexual female fag hag hat is off to you. Tim Conway Jr. I hope you die in a fire while being harassed on your cell phone by one of those cold hearted banks for reneging on your debt to fix that dent in your car because you were so concerned about being able to get a woman while stepping out on your wife.

1 comment:

  1. Fun fact - Tim Conway Jr is on the board of directors of the evil tv non-profit. At least he was a few years ago...
